Get your restaurant listed with a virtual tour

Did you know that nearly one out of every two Internet users first searches the Internet before buying anything online? Let’s imagine someone who wants to find: restaurant ville de québec. He’ll type these words into Google and will often click on one of the first three links he sees. If you have a restaurant in Quebec City, it’s in your best interest to include it in these results. Otherwise, you won’t increase your leads.

And that’s where the virtual tour comes in. It lets you showcase your restaurant using 3D images. Focus on referencing your restaurant with virtual tours on Avenue 360.

What is a virtual tour on Avenue 360?

The virtual tour allows your potential customers to visit your business directly from home. They’ll have a 3D representation of every room in yourrestaurant québec as if they were there. They’ll be able to click on other rooms and walls, and take a virtual tour of your restaurant.

Avenue 360 is a site that gives Internet users a virtual look inside their favorite restaurants. It’s a catalog that lets you see the location, contact details and website of your business. This information is essential for your restaurant’s SEO, as more and more Internet users are searching on a location-by-location basis.

On Avenue 360, thanks to panoramic images, you can show your future customers the inside of your restaurant, from floor to ceiling. They’ll be able to see the tables, decor and kitchen as if they were there. Thanks to the virtual tour on our site, Internet users will be able to “virtually” visit the restaurant in question, hence the name.

These virtual tours have an immersive effect, immersing your prospects in your premises. So, even if they don’t come to Canada to take an interactive virtual tour, Internet users from all over the world will be able to explore your restaurant from anywhere.

Why use avenue 360’s virtual tour to promote your restaurant?

Your future customers can already visit your premises from home, thanks to the virtual tour. It’s a totally interactive and immersive experience. It’s also a boost to your restaurant’s SEO, since the more people visit your page on Avenue 360, the more Google will guide your other prospects directly to your page on our site. Virtual tours on our site kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, you’ll enhance the value of your restaurant, resulting in greater visibility and better referencing.

Secondly, the virtual visit quebec on our site will help you stand out from the competition. The number of restaurants in Canada, and therefore of your rivals, is constantly growing. The virtual tour on Avenue 360 is a great way to set yourself apart from the competition. That’s because you’ll be able to show your customers the look of your premises, your contacts, your website and even your menus directly from our page.

Finally, virtual tours help build trust between you and your customers. That’s because a restaurant in Quebec City that dares to show off its entire premises has nothing to hide. This is even more the case on Avenue 360, where you’re immersed in your restaurant. On the one hand, you give your prospects the confidence to see your images, and on the other, you enhance the value of your restaurant. It’s a win-win situation.

How can you promote your restaurant with a virtual tour on Avenue 360?

Google’s SEO rules are constantly evolving. Nevertheless, your Quebec restaurant will have better visibility on the web thanks to ourvirtual tour on Avenue 360.

To get started listing your canada restaurant on the site, you’ll need to register with Avenue 360. To do so, click on “Display your business” on the site’s home page. Here, you’ll need to enter basic information about your quebec restaurant , such as company name, email address and phone number. To optimize referencing, remember to include your website, even if it’s not required for registration. You should also include the city where the restaurant is located, the region, and your field of activity, in this case catering.

Then, along with your website and Avenue 360 listing, think about having a Google My business listing to maximize referencing. So, if you have a restaurant in Quebec City, Internet users searching for “restaurant québec“, “best restaurantquébec“, or even “restaurant ville de québec” will inevitably come across your listing. restaurant québec, “best restaurant québec”, or “restaurant ville de québec” will inevitably come across either your website or your virtual visit page on Avenue 360.

You must then assign the task of taking photos of your restaurant to Google-approved photographers. These are professionals who have the trust of the American giant. If you use them, your search engine positioning is likely to be successful.

Finally, enhance the value of your restaurant with virtual tours on avenue 360. The ergonomics of the room, the lighting and the decor of your Canadian restaurant all need to be top-notch and, above all, detailed. This is because the longer someone stays in your virtual restaurant, the better your restaurant will be referenced. Your restaurant will then have greater visibility.

At Avenue 360, our aim is both visibility and interaction between your future customers and your restaurant. Indeed, if your restaurant is well referenced, you’ll have a better conversion rate. This means more leads, and therefore more customers. And if you let people take a virtual tour of your restaurant on Avenue 360, you’re bound to boost your sales. The many testimonials on our site are proof of this.

Do you really know what a virtual tour is?

Today, it’s not just real estate agents who offer the virtual visit experience on their site. Other professionals are trying to add this technological asset to their business. Are you hesitating to adopt the virtual visit on your website? We take stock in this article.

What is a virtual visit?

According to Wikipedia’s definition, a virtual tour is a technique for simulating a visit to a site. The illustration on the platform evolves dynamically according to the user’s request. The visit is therefore interactive: it’s as if the user were actually there. Yes, the canada visite interactive-virtuelle doesn’t just allow you to visit a property or view a product.

It’s worth pointing out that a site tour doesn’t have to be 360°, it can also be 3D. To make the right choice, you need to understand the difference between a 360° virtual tour and a 3D virtual tour.

360° or 3D virtual tour?

A 360° virtual tour involves moving between several 360° photos. To achieve this, several photos are taken from a fixed point, just a few meters apart. These shots are then brought together to create an overall picture. If, for example, you want to present your production site or simply your offices to your customers, you can offer them a 360° virtual tour.

The 3D system is different from the 360° technique. The 3D virtual tour uses a specialized camera. This camera will take a close-up look at the space, giving a truly immersive impression. The 3D technique is more appreciated for the fact that it enables the user to project himself more easily. It’s worth pointing out that 3D lets you create a fictitious space that you can personalize to suit your tastes and needs. In short, it lets you create a non-existent environment to showcase products or services.

The benefits of a virtual visit to the site

Everyone understands the benefits of digital. Your competitor must surely have a website and a presence on the web, but set yourself apart with a virtual visit to Quebec. As mentioned above, virtual tours aren’t just for real estate professionals.

Whatever your sector of activity, this virtual tour is sure to increase your online visibility andimprove your website. Even those who have stumbled across your site by chance will spend a few minutes enjoying the experience.

Other advantages to attract your target customers

Yes, with a virtual tour, you can double, triple, quadruple or even more the time a visitor spends on your platform.

If it’s an average Internet user, he’ll probably tell his friends and family about your site, which will have an impact on a website’s SEO. This virtual visit to Canada will leave its mark, and even if everything isn’t perfect, this visitor will remember your site. Innovative, high-performance, interactive content increases user recall.

If it’s not an average Internet user, but a target, those four or five minutes spent on your site will gradually push them towards a purchase. As he has a very precise image of the good, product or service, you won’t need to send him a salesperson to force his hand. If you’ve shown them your workshop or production site, they’ll be able to appreciate the quality of your products. This potential customer will then make the purchase of his own free will. You can therefore expect this technique to optimize your sales and double or even triple your online sales. Following this purchase, you need to work hard to retain this customer.

By registering on our site, you can display your company for visitors to search and find.

Any doubts about its effectiveness?

By now, you’ve discovered the potential benefits of setting up a virtual tour of your site. In your head, you’re already doing the math, and that’s when doubts may arise about the effectiveness of these immersive tools and technologies. To help you take the plunge into this immersive technology, here are a few statistics:

  • You can expect a return on investment from these virtual tours in less than four weeks. For certain activities, such as real estate and hospitality, the return on investment will be faster,
  • A study carried out by Google has shown that Internet users multiply their interest in platforms that offer a virtual tour,
  • A study conducted by “The Massinteract” also proved that virtual visits positively change people’s opinion of a brand.

Whatever virtual tour you choose, you can always arrange to guide the visitor. If the space to be visited is large, it’s possible to create itineraries. It’s also a good idea to create a route based on the visitor’s interests, preferences, needs and tastes. This not only saves time, but also makes it easier for you to close the sale.